This “speaking truth to power” thing is really catching on.

Speaking Truth to Power EventSeveral years ago, after being set afire by Michael Moore’s movie Fahrenheit 911 and subsequently launching the blog that was the precursor to A world of Progress, two things became immediately apparent to me:

1. Speaking truth to power is one of those things that often seems incredibly pointless, especially when you do it alone from behind a computer screen.

2. Taking any action to speak truth to power (no matter how insignificant it may feel at the time) helps to align thought with the heart and that in itself makes you feel better.

Today, I find myself  listening more and talking less, but I do want to take a few minutes of your time to share these links to the Speaking Truth to Power series presented by Wave Enterprises that I attended last night in Asheville, NC and hopefully inspire you to check out this organization that is working to bring the voices of war Veterans turned peace activists to a town near you. I was also fortunate to attend the after party and have the opportunity to speak with the event organizers and meet the vets on the panel as well as Mr. McGovern and Mr. Porter. The event itself was inspiring, but getting the opportunity to speak with them one on one was truly a wonderful gift. I invited their social media and marketing specialist, Tamara, to tell us about her adventures in organizing and promoting this great event here for our readers. Hopefully she will have the time to give us a backstage glimpse at their efforts in bringing this vision to life in other cities across the country.

From the press release (modified by me to include additional info and live links):

Emcee, Lesley Groetsch, co-host of Local Edge Radio Mon-Fri at 3pm eastern time on 880 the Revolution.

Keynote speakers Gareth Porter, investigative journalist and historian (huff-po, alter-net, IPN, Truth-out…etc…) who specializes in US national security policy and Ray McGovern, former US Army Intelligence Officer, 27 year CIA veteran and analyst (also a contributor to many of your favorite news outlets).

Veterans for Peace ( I had a “duh” moment when I realized I hadn’t joined this organization as yet.)

In addition, US veterans Conor Curran, Brock McIntosh, Mike Prysner and Josh Steiber (veteran of the Wikileaks “Collateral Murder” company) will share their personal stories and thoughts of the true costs of a permanent state of war.

Special thanks to all the event sponsors and endorsements: (if you are looking for ways to get involved in dismantling the permanent war state, here is a list you can start with!)
NC Peace Action

Veterans For Peace

FOR (Fellowship of Reconciliation)

Peace of the Action

Peacetown Asheville

Vietnam Veterans Against the War

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