Ahmaud Arbery.
Breonna Taylor.
George Floyd.
Three more in a long, long, long list of casualties of systemic racism.
Today, I’ve seen a lot of white people lamenting that we need to do something about this, but then disagreeing with things people of color had to say.
This is not how we fight racism, white people. We are the problem here if we don’t listen to what people of color are saying.
An African-American friend posted that she won’t get in line to vote for Biden. She listed her reasons, and while I may not see things exactly as she did, I also never have experienced racism.
I’ve experienced sexism and misogyny, and I know how furious I get when a man tells me it’s not so bad. I can’t imagine telling someone who fears for her life every day that she can’t fight racism in the way she wants (short of violence).
Someone used the analogy of giving a demanding kid candy, even when you know he won’t do what he promised he’d do to earn it.
Neither party has been willing to stand up to racism the way it needs to be done. We need to see cops who shoot unarmed people convicted of murder and sent to prison.
The woman in Central Park who called police screaming because a black man wanted her to leash her dog was completely unaware of — and uncaring about — the likelihood that this man could be murdered because of her actions.
Can you just see the courtroom scene as the audio of the 911 call is played?
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, can’t you hear the utter fear in her voice?”
And the knights in blue armor rushing to defend this poor white delicate flower come off as heroes.
In Charlotte, Keith Lamont Scott was shot and killed by an officer who claimed he feared for his life because he smelled pot — and the officer got away with murder.
In Cleveland, Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old child playing with a toy gun was shot and killed by an officer who claimed he thought it was a real gun. The child’s family got as $6 million settlement, but the officer walked free.
I’ve lost a son to injustice, although not like this, not so sudden and utterly shocking, and I can tell you, $6 million wouldn’t make it better.
So what do we, as white allies, as anti-racists, do?
Well, first we listen.
This is not within our realm of expertise.
We do not live in fear of being murdered by cops (or ex-cops) who detest our very existence.
Second, we listen some more.
We do this because trauma is best addressed by allowing people to speak about it.
Then, we ask what we can do to stand with and fight with oppressed people.
Finally, we do what we’re told we’re needed to do (short of violence).
Here are a few things I’ve learned we can do:
Speak out when you see racism and call it what it is.
Don’t call the police when you see a person of color in your way. In fact, unless it’s a matter of life and death, don’t call the police at all.
Be public about being anti-racist. Show up at demonstrations because the racism in our justice system will rear its head and hurt demonstrators more quickly if no white people are there.
Join and donate to organizations that fight racism. A year’s membership in the NAACP ( https://www.naacp.org/ ) is just $30. Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ, at https://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/ ) is actively fighting injustice in cities across the country. The Poor People’s Campaign (http://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org) works on issues of social justice on a state and national level.
Donate to funds that raise bail money for poor people who are awaiting trial in jail because they can’t come up with $500 bond for a nonviolent crime. These people, too many of whom are innocent of any crime, and none of whom have been convicted of anything, lose their jobs, their homes and their children.
Finally, if you are white, understand your privilege. What that means is that even if you’re dirt poor, you still have more power than a person of color in your same situation.
It means that if your ancestors were in this country before or during slavery, they benefited from the economic conditions created by enslaving human beings of color — whether or not they enslaved anyone — and all of us here now benefit.
It really means you have to check that privilege before you open your mouth to criticize how a person of color reacts to racism and oppression.
If we want to end racism, we must confess that we live in a racist society, that racism is pervasive, and that when someone of color tells us something is racist, they probably know more about it than we do, so stop defending it.
Love this. A new book called White Fragility also does a good job of trying to train white people how to listen and be active allies while checking their privilege.