The Donald is an ass

Donald Trump opens his big, flapping mouth.

So, Donald Trump is “honored” that he played a part in forcing President Obama to show his long-form birth certificate, and some people take him seriously as a candidate for president.

Trump, aside from the incredibly bad hair and annoying habit of talking through pursed lips, is so far from being the important person he thinks he is, and the media attention just feeds his massive, yet undeserved, ego.

We in this country have serious problems we need to address: The uber-rich are creating a permanent underclass; 45,000 people a year are dying because they don’t have access to health care; the Republicans are slasing the social safety net as they give the money to the wealthy and to big business.

All the while, the media chase this miserable middle-aged man who has no real answers. He is only wealthy because his investors prop him up so they won’t lose everything. He has minor shares in casinos, hotels and office buildings that carry his name. He is not an expert in anything but being a blowhard.

Most of the stuff he spouts is pure crap. He refuses to answer any real questions. In fact, his most-uttered phrase in a recent interview with George Stephenopolus was, “Move on.”

If he’s a real candidate, let’s treat him like one. Don’t just let him be a barking seal; make him answer real questions. Challenge his “facts.”

I don’t understand why he gets so much airtime. There was a time when the media would have seen through him and just not put him on the front page or on the air.

He is a distraction as “yooge” as the royal wedding, but he won’t go away after Friday morning. Pity.

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