My New Year’s Resolution: Kick some 1 percent butt!

OK, so my New Year’s resolution isn’t ladylike. But then there’s the old saying that well behaved women rarely make history. I’ve never been content to be a well behaved woman.

I grew up in a church that never respected a woman’s right. They fought every advance with all their strength. They didn’t think a woman even had a right to use birth control.

“You should take all the children God wants to give you,” we were told.

They were the religious right, and I recognize what they’re trying to do with “personhood” amendments and allowing those in the pharmacy who don’t believe women should be on birth control to not dispense it, even if they’re the only pharmacist on duty. My right to be able to fill that prescription is moot.

These beliefs, pandered to by the corporate-friendly candidates, have led the religious right to vote for the 1 percent for decades. Abortion is still legal, though, gay marriage is making headway and evolution and prayer are still not a part of the school day.

Some of the religious conservatives have woken up to what’s happened and have either turned to the candidate more likely to try to save the planet or stayed home on Election Day. I have friends who voted for George Bush because he was anti-abortion, only to see him engage in two wars that killed tens of thousands of people and enriched the no-bid contractors beyond the wildest dreams of the rest of us.

Across America, Occupy camps are being broken up in the hope that we will go home and behave like good little sheep. There has been illegal collusion between city governments and the Homeland Security Department. There has been police brutality. There have been lies in the media to try and convince us the unrest is over.

I don’t think that’s what’s happening. I think We the People have had enough of corporate rule and government corruption. We have had enough of the attacks on the working class, and the class warfare from above.

I had a dream last night of standing alone hollering, “Mic check!” For awhile, everyone ignored it, but slowly, people began coming forward. Before long, we had a crowd of hundreds, then thousands.

We have to be the ones to get the truth out there because the media are as corrupt as the war contractors and the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

They will continue to attack us, but we can fight back. We have to win this soon or our Democracy will be gone for good.

This is the year. Let’s kick some 1 percent butt!