Two open letters (to Comedy central and to Larry Wilmore)

I love you, Larry Wilmore, and I'm really, really pissed at Comedy Central.

I love you, Larry Wilmore, and I’m really, really pissed at Comedy Central.

First to Comedy Central:

What the hell? Canceling The Nightly Show? This is one of the sharpest, funniest, most on-point shows on late-night TV.

What’s more, it was a point of view that differs from all the rest of late-night programming.

Wilmore and his cast were African-American, Latino and a Jew, which made for great diversity. We who are part of the increasingly diminishing white majority in this culture need that perspective, and Wilmore presented it with a great deal of humor.

It was sad enough to see The Daily Show become more comfortable and less cutting-edge, but I still had Larry Wilmore and company.

Now you have taken that because it doesn’t fit your sixth-grade, white demographic, which seems to prefer tits and ass, puke, shit and infantile pranks of South Park, Midnight Swim and Tosh.0.

God forbid you should toss us a half hour of intelligent humor four times a week.

Well, I’m done with you. I know, I’m just one old white woman, but there are more like me out here, and we have buying power.

At midnight on Thursday, I will remove Comedy Central from my lineup. There’s nothing there for me.

I hope someone else picks up Larry Wilmore. He has one hell of a lot of talent, which is more than can be said for the rest of your lineup.

And to Larry Wilmore:

Dear Larry,

I love you. I love your dimples and that devilish smile whenever you know your humor is perfectly on point (“That’s right, motherfucker, we haven’t forgotten about you.”).

I have a big old crush on Mike Yard, but your entire case is wonderful. The humor is smart and cutting, and unlike the rest of late-night TV, it comes from diverse perspectives.

I know that the rest of Comedy Central’s lineup is puerile, immature, white-centric and devoted to tits and ass, puke, shit and piss. So, with your departure, the Comedy Channel is crossed of my list of channels I watch.

I’m an old white woman who appreciates different perspectives, and I often found myself eager to see your take on world events. You never disappointed.

I watched with delight as you spoke at the Correspondents’ Dinner and the media were so furious they refused to laugh. Just so you know, I laughed my ass off.

See, I’m a former reporter. I started in media when people were still doing investigative work and calling out bad policy. Now instead of the watchdogs of government, media have become the lapdogs.

I do health care advocacy work because my son died eight years ago from lack of access to health care, but I also am part of the NC NAACP, which works on a variety of issues through the Forward Together Moral Movement. It’s not easy living here in NC, a wilderness of ignorance and bullshit, but your show put a smile on my face at the end of the day, no matter how angry I felt at the backward movement of this state’s legislature and governor.

I hope another channel picks up your show. I know I would be as devoted a fan as you could ever have (not to the point of being obsessive, but certainly adoring).

I’m so sorry Comedy Central has decided to “denegrify” the 11:30 p.m. time slot. I will miss you. I will always love you.
