Chick-fil-A flap isn’t about freedom of religion

The whole flap surrounding Chick-fil-A isn’t about whether Dan Cathy has a right to be against gay marriage. Of course he has a right to his feelings. He also has a right to express his beliefs in public so long as he doesn’t advocate violence, which he has not.

The reason people who support gay marriage aren’t eating there is because we don’t want money we spend to then be used to support something we disagree with.

The owner of Marriott Hotels also is against gay marriage, but he doesn’t spend money to oppose it, so I have no problem staying in one of his hotels. He is free to believe as he pleases.

I’m a Christian, but I believe people are born straight or gay. I believe God made us how we were intended to be and that’s how God loves us.

If you believe differently, that’s your right. If you want to help Mr. Cathy support his beliefs and you don’t mind money you spend at his restaurants being used for that cause, that’s your right, too.

So, why can’t opponents of gay rights understand that we’re using our rights to free speech and freedom of association the same way they are? Why must they keep saying we want to silence them or deprive them of their rights?

I want no such thing. Believe what you want. I don’t ask you to do business with places that donate to gay rights campaigns, nor do I sling nastiness at you for not shopping there.

So, why such a big deal? No one is trying to steal “your” America; you just need to realize it’s my America too, and I have as much right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of association as you do.

I’m not trying to put Chick-fil-A out of business; I’m just not going to eat there.