It appears we have elected a fascist, misogynist, racist, narcissistic, thieving, lying, treasonous sexual predator as president, and we have handed the Senate and House to his accomplices.
Those who have been seeking to take down America’s democracy have won.
In the coming months, look for the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, followed by Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security. Our universities and our public education system are also in danger. Marriage equality will be abolished.
Look for the jailing of people who disagree with the new order. It will happen.
World markets are crashing, so there go the savings of people hoping for a secure retirement.
If you think I am overstating the danger here, think again. Think about the things Trump promised if he won, and the things Republicans have been promising to do for years.
Look at Germany in the 1930s if you want to see where we are headed. Trump has promised to persecute Muslims and immigrants. He wants to get back at everyone who he thinks has insulted him and he will use the presidency to do just that. We have no way to stop him now.
I don’t know what to do at this point except to look at moving to Canada.
I am terrified.
All the work we have done here in North Carolina to try and bring reason back to government has been for nothing.
All the work we did to elect a woman president has been for nothing.
All the progress we made in women’s rights, civil rights, social justice, economic justice — all for nothing.
We have lost everything.
We have allowed hate and racism and misogyny to win.
There is no logic in this.
Goodbye, America. You were great once.
RIP Democracy.
Now all we need to do is treat him with the same respect we wanted and gave to President Obama. But also remember Truman holding up the paper Dewey has been elected President.
We do not have to treat him with respect, and I will not. He does not deserve it.
My feelings exactly