I have something important to say, and I need to be heard.
I don’t agree that Biden is the answer to any of our problems and I don’t want to be forced to vote for him.
I also don’t want to have you calling me names and telling me to fuck off because I don’t agree with you.
First of all, he is not yet the nominee, so trying to force me to pledge fealty to the failing candidate of a party that is fast becoming irrelevant before he’s the nominee is just cruel.
Let me tell you why. Twelve years ago today, I was trying to prepare for a life without my beloved son. I was facing every parent’s worst nightmare and I was terrified. And I am forced to re-live those final six weeks of his life every damn year.
Here we are, a dozen years after I promised my son I would fight like hell to prevent other people from dying the way he did and you’re calling me every name in the book for refusing to swear to vote for a man who won’t do a damn thing to fix a health care system that’s even more broken than it was 12 years ago.
When my son died, an American was dying every 12 minutes from lack of access to health care; today it’s once every eight minutes.
The Affordable Care Act isn’t working and Biden has said he won’t move toward a real fix for it. He has said things will stay the same.
So, here I am, grieving for my son with a pain that has not gotten any better since he breathed his last, and you’re screaming that I have to get in bed with the enemy.
So my choice is a man who doesn’t care that someone dies once every eight minutes or one who’s pretty close to gleeful about it.
Stop telling me to shut up and vote for someone who thinks things are fine, especially since the nominating process isn’t half over yet.
Stop telling me I have to vote for a man whose actions toward women are disrespectful of their personal space and dismissive of their concerns about dominion over their own bodies.
Stop demanding I vote for a pro-war, pro-Wall Street candidate when it violates everything I stand for.
Stop disrespecting who I am and what I stand for.
I have not said I won’t vote for this demented old creep; I have said I don’t want to.
I understand about the Supreme Court and all the rest.
But we don’t have time to waste on climate action and he will waste time. I have grandchildren and great-grandchildren and I want them to inherit a planet they can inhabit.
We can’t keep putting off giving low-wage workers a chance at a decent life with a living wage, paid sick leave and access to quality health care.
Your insistence on everyone getting in your boat assumes that we all have ladders to climb, and too many of us don’t. As the saying goes, you can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you don’t have boots.
Your intransigence proves your level of privilege. You can wait four years for things to get better. Too many of us can’t, but that doesn’t matter to you.
It isn’t enough to vote for Trump-lite. The status quo is not good enough, and if it is for you, then you need to open your eyes and check your privilege. You need to see how too many around you are suffering. Open your ears and listen to the stories of people who can’t provide for themselves even though they’re working two and three jobs.
Joe Biden is NOT good enough.
If forced to vote for him, I will, but he will not win. It will be a replay of 2016, and we will get four more years of the current mess. And then you’ll blame the people who just can’t bring themselves to vote for more of the same.
I refuse to get angry with people who can’t face a Biden presidency because the thought of it leaves me utterly without hope.
So before you yell at me to shut the fuck up, maybe you should try to understand that I don’t want your child to die the way mine did. Maybe you should look and listen to the 140 million Americans who live in or near poverty, who have no hope of a better life if they have to live — and all too often, die — without the changes we need.
We talk a lot about getting in line, but nowhere near enough about where that line is headed.
Yes, I am pissed off. You bet I am.
This is my country, too, and I’m just trying to make it a better, more moral place for the people I care about. And I care about everyone.
Thank you, Leslie! You’ve said what needed to be said, and — as usual — you said it well. As far as I know, the primaries are not yet over, and those who still have the chance to vote can change the course of history by voting for the one candidate remaining who offers any hope that things might change for the better. To all of you who tell us we must vote for Biden (even though he’s not yet been nominated): PLEASE take the time to read what Nathan Robinson wrote in the March 9 Current Affairs: “Democrats, You Really Do Not Want to Nominate Joe Biden.” It is, admittedly, quite a long read, but this decision is too important for you to ignore its message. After you read it, if you still think that Biden’s the one, then do what you must, but at least show us the decency of acknowledging that we also must do what we believe to be right for our fellow human beings who will suffer the consequences if we don’t.